Re: Adjustments - multiple connections, control $page_size, etc.

On 21 Jan 2006, at 14:58, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 19:59 -0500, Kevin Horton wrote:

1. How would I control the $page_size part of an adjustment using a
SpinButton?  The default is to control the $value.

2. How would I have a SpinButton affect both the $value and
$page_size when the user twiddles the SpinButton?  I am trying to
have a way for the user to change the left edge of the displayed data
range, while leaving the right edge unchanged.  The adjustment $value
sets the left edge, and the right edge is equal to $value + $
page_size.  Thus I need to have SpinButton input affect both $value
and $page_size.

3. How would I connect one SpinButton to multiple widgets?  I need to
keep the X-axis on all widgets locked together, with just one set of
SpinButtons that controls all widgets.

Maybe I'm missing something, but you can't achieve all of the above
simply by connecting to the spin button's "value-changed" signal and do
whatever you want in the signal handler?

Nope, you are not missing anything at all. About a day after I posted that message, I found an example which made everything much, much clearer to me. I figured out how to connect a subroutine to each spin button's "value-changed" signal. The subroutines control all the GtkDataBoxes.

I may eventually need some help, but for the moment I'm OK.



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