Re: Using the motion-notify-event on Gtk2::TreeView

On Feb 4, 2005, at 3:13 PM, ofey aikon wrote:

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 14:42:54 -0500 (EST), muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:
oops, i meant to attach also a patch that does more correct and
resource-friendly cursor handling, but i missed.  here it is.  ....

Fantastic ! That works like a charm. Thank you once again.

While I am on the topic... If instead of changing the mouse cursor, I
want to make the cell light-up, like the mouse on a button effect,
what approach should I be taking ? Is this even possible using the
TreeView ?

i doubt it's impossible, but it would take quite a bit of work. the treeview doesn't give you events when you cross cell boundaries, so you'd have to watch for that yourself. as you enter and leave cells, you'd have to update their visual states. and then you'd have to store the information somehow, either in the model or in a custom column, to make sure the selected cell's color is treated differently from the others....

a lot of work, whereas just changing the cursor is quite easy.

In some newer operating systems, time_t has been widened to 64 bits. In the negative direction, this goes back more than twenty times the age of the universe, and so suffices. In the positive direction, whether this range is sufficient to represent all possible times depends on the ultimate fate of the universe, but it can be expected to postpone overflow long enough for such implementation limits to be abolished.
  -- Wikipedia, on UNIX time.

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