Re: Is "The Official GNOME 2 Developer's Guide" from No Starch Press good for gnome-perl?

On Jun 29, 2004, at 4:44 AM, Brian McGonigle wrote:

I was wondering if "The Official GNOME 2 Developer's Guide" would be any good for someone with no experience in C trying to learn gnome-perl. Any recommendations?

in that the book will explain how to use the Gnome and Gtk+ libraries in concept as well as syntax, yes, the book will be helpful. i seriously doubt it has any specifics on the perl bindings. then again, i have never seen the book in question, so i could be wrong.

Also, if I have GTK+ for Win32 can I use gnome-perl? I hoping there's a binary package somewhere if I can.

mmmm, yes, mostly. remember, only some of the gnome libraries have been ported to native win32. Glib and Gtk2 are known to work; i've heard reports that Gtk2::GladeXML and Gnome2::Canvas also work on native win32 but i have never tried them myself.

our faq mentions wayne keenan's win32 binaries for 1.02x; however, wayne's been busy and hasn't been able to update them. arnold putz (whitewindow in irc) has been trying to build current win32 PPMs this weekend and needs somebody to test them; perhaps you'd be the perfect guinea pig!

if you use cygwin and X, all of gnome-perl is available to you from the cygwin-gnome2 project:

That's it! It's one thing for a ghost to scare my children, but it's another to play my theremin!
  - Homer Simpson

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