Re: Programmatically Collapsing a Widget

After investigating a little more myself, the solution seems to be rather straightforward:

calling gtk_window_resize(dialogue, 1, 1) collapses the dialogue to the minimum size required to display the dialogues contents.

If anybody has another interesting method, please forward, I prefer to know multiple ways of getting where I need to be. At the same time, this problem is now solved.



On Sep 26, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Richard Boaz wrote:


I have a simple dialogue widget holding server names and the
databases they individually serve.  In the lower half of the dialogue
I have fields detailing the database information.   These details are
viewable/hideable via MORE and LESS buttons.

My problem is that when the dialogue is first rendered, the detail
information is not displayed (all details held within a single widget
which is hidden), except that the size of the dialogue is the same as
if it were displayed, i.e., a whole bunch of blank space at the
bottom.  When hitting the MORE button, the details are displayed
correctly, and when hitting LESS, are also hidden correctly.  But
again, same as at startup, the overall dialogue does not collaps to
the size of only what is on display.

Is there a programmatic way of collapsing a widget to the size of its
contents which are not hidden?

thanks for any pointers,

richard boaz
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