GnomeCanvas for Windows...........


As I said before I use GnomeCanvas for Windows with MinGW 3.0 and MSYS 1.0.7 (recent versions of MSYS won't 
work). I use a Python script to set up my environment. This is what the script does:

1. Download unzip.exe and pexports (you will need this programs later)

2. Download and unzip GTK+ and its dependencies from

3. Download libgnomecanvas and its dependencies (libglade and libart_lgpl), unzip and compile them.

4. Download and compile pygtk and gnome-python, which are the Python bindings to GTK and libgnomecanvas. 
Obviously not everybody need this step.

As an exercise you can build an installer with the output of my script using a tool like Inno Setup, which 
btw, is what people from do.

I can give my script to anyone who ask for it but it's only tested in Windows 2000 and I can't garantee that 
it will work. At least, it should give you some tips for doing the same stuff manually.

Just one question to Tor: What tools (and versions) do you use to compile GTK+ in Windows?


Lorenzo Gil Sanchez

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