Re: A newbie question...

Tara M Wrote:

Are you sure you want to use GTK+ 1.3 and whatever DEV-C is?

Dev-C++ is a GNU mingw IDE - goes with a installer and GNU C++ mingw
2/95.2; isn't a premium one, but good enough to develop entire projects
without care with makefiles et all... and now exists DEV-C++ for linux.
Take a look at

If you want to get started in GTK+ it's easier to start simple,
try using GTK+ 1.2.8 or newer, since the majority of the audiance
will be using that.

In the i found a
complete GTK+ 1.3 binary toolkit installer that goes with a GTK+
skeleton project wizard for Dev-C++, and this is going well for me. Just
now i'm writting some samples using GTK+ & mysql 3.23.40, some with
exotic features that normally crash under M$FC, and until now my
programs are handling large databases without any problem. The
'unstable' GTK+ 1.3 is going most stable than the average M$-based

GDK API (sorry no manual pages):

I have this, but don't readed with all care...

GTK+ API (no manual pages either):

I have this too - is my main reference - all times i'm programming, this
is open...

GTK+ tutorial

A great tutorial. I compiled any and all examples - only the last 2
appears to be linux-specific.

GTK+ DND tutorial

Oops... This is new for me... Thanks !

I recommend looking through the demos on the tutorial, learn GTK+
frame work!! Make sure you have a clear understanding of GTK+
procedure, esp signals and its main loop/iteration handling.

I'm doing this now.

Then you can figure out what you need to modify in your application
to port it over.

This too...

Also take a look at GDK, GDK is built around X the ```original GUI'''
so you have a more fundimental understanding of what GTK+ is built
on top of.

Good to know that, i'll take a closer look at GDK. Thanks !

Mauro Ferreira
mauroferreira enersulnet com br

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