Re: A newbie question...

On Sun, 19 Aug 2001 15:01:11 -0400, Mauro Ferreira said:

 To explain better my situation: My effort with GTK is to port my apps to GTK, and with this done i'll 
finally can jump to linux. At start i tried FLTK and VGUI  - both are very incomplete; next i tried phpGtk, 
a great tool, but interpreted and yet very instable; maybe in a year will be stable, but i can't wait this; 
then wxWindows - is solid, complete, but some strange limitations like no way to limit the size of an entry 
nor make custom entry validations - and not only the visual of the apps isn't granted to be the same in 
different OSs, but some features are platform-specific. Now i'm trying GTK+: Here i found again all good 
things found in phpGtk in a solid & fast enviroinment - and better than just C++ compiled: GNU C++ 
compiled. Then i stay here from now.

I recommend looking through the demos on the tutorial, learn GTK+
frame work!! Make sure you have a clear understanding of GTK+
procedure, esp signals and its main loop/iteration handling.

Then you can figure out what you need to modify in your application
to port it over.

Also take a look at GDK, GDK is built around X the ```original GUI'''
so you have a more fundimental understanding of what GTK+ is built
on top of.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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