OpenDocument Spreadsheet support on Gnumeric && INdT collaboration

   Hi there,

(I've sent an email much like this to the AbiWord development mailing list, Monday, in case anyone wonders ;) )

   first of all, I'd like to introduce myself, and tell you guys about
what we've been up to.

I'm the team leader of the Office team on OSMTC (Open Source Technology Center) at INdT (Nokia Technology Institute - a brazilian non-profit R&D institute).

   The main goal of our team is to provide a complete Office Suite
(Gnome Office) for the Maemo Development Platform (and thus, for
any devices which use this platform), supporting fully the OASIS
OpenDocument standard, and using as little resources as possible.

   Right now, our team has five developers, working on:

   - porting AbiWord to Maemo (CVS HEAD already has a large part of it)
   - porting Gnumeric to Maemo (Eduardo sent a patch to this mailing
     list a few weeks ago. a more complete patch, to CVS HEAD should be
     ready in a few days)
   - OpenDocument Text plugin for AbiWord (collaboration has started a
     few days ago)

   and :)

   - OpenDocument Spreadsheet plugin for Gnumeric

I've read Morten's blog entry on which he comments about the OASIS OpenDocument standard, and appreciated it very much from start to end.

   Our objective, WRT OpenDocument Text support, is to (in order)

   - implement a basic import filter for the OpenDocument Spreadsheet
     file format
   - implement a basic export filter for the OpenDocument Spreadsheet
     file format
   - help the implementation of missing features on the standard, if at
     all possible

Unfortunately, as it happens with the AbiWord filter, we do not have the necessary resources to work on both OpenDocument Spreadsheet *and* 1.0 Spreadsheet support on Gnumeric.

I would like to hear your opinions on whether this is feasible at all and, if so, what would be the better approach: either keep working on the "openoffice" plugin, or to completely fork this plugin into a new "OpenDocument" plugin.

Both alternatives seem to have their pros and cons: forking would allow for a better/clean job of implementing the new plugin, while work on the existing plugin would (probably) let 1.0 Spreadsheet be supported in a better manner than today. On the other hand, working on the existing plugin might prove to be too clumsy/complex for us.

   What do you guys think?

Last, but not least, I would like to know if there is someone actively working on such plugin, so we can avoid duplicate work. Our time frame to start is "immediately", meaning that we are already working on this plugin, as I write this email.

   I'd like to thank you in advance for you thoughts and feedback.

   Best regards,


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