Re: glom problems

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 17:40 -0800, Ryan Paul wrote:
I'm attempting to test glom. I realize that it isn't a fully operational
solution yet, but I want to use it in parallel with my existing solution
so I can give you some feedback.

I'm using version 0.9.6 of Glom on Ubuntu Dapper on an Athlon 64 X2 with
2 GB ram. After installing Glom and configuring postgres so that my user
can create new tables, I attempted to create a new Glom document. I was
able to create a database, add a table, and add fields to the table, but
that is all it will allow me to do. It would not allow me to set field

I've never heard of this before. Did you see any kind of error dialog or
anything on the terminal (if you start it from the terminal). You should
see an error dialog if any of the (generated) SQL commands failed.

How did you notice it. Was it impossible to enter text into an Entry, or
did you enter text and then see it disappear again when switching views
or tables?

Did you try the example file? What version of Postgres are you using?

Did you create the user like so?:
murrayc$ sudo -s -u postgres
bash-3.00$ createuser -P
  (-P means "assign password")
Enter name of user to add: murrayc
Enter password for new user:
Enter it again:
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y

Did you answer y to both questions?

If you can, I recommend the 0.9.8 version. It has some important fixes,
though nothing that I think could affect this problem.

 so I switched from the Developer user level to the Operator user
level. At the Operator user level, it still will not allow me to set
field values, and it will also not permit me to return to the Developer
user level. When I attempt to, I get the following message:

"Developer mode is not available. Check that you have sufficient
database access rights and that the glom file is not read-only."

Maybe you could try with the psql command-line tool, to double-check
that you really have write rights. For instance, I connect with 

psql -U murrayc -d glom_example_smallbusiness_v118

(You must look at the start of your .glom file to discover the database

Then I would do a sanity test, like for instance:

glom_example_smallbusiness_v118=# SELECT contact_id, name_first FROM
 contact_id | name_first
          3 | Bob
          2 | Mook
          1 | Yodda
          4 | Yadda
          6 | Jo
          7 | Aardvark
          8 |
          9 |
          0 | Murray
          5 | Jane
(10 rows)

glom_example_smallbusiness_v118=# UPDATE contacts SET name_first =
'Test' WHERE contacts.contact_id = 5;

The pgadmin GUI might also provide some clues.

I would like to be able to test the functionality of Glom more
extensively. I'm particularly interested in experimenting with the
Python scripting support. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get
it to allow me to enter the Developer user level again, or input actual


Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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