Re: [Geary] Geary Development Status?

Hey people,

As Niels said I'm in PhD hell at the moment. This should clear up somewhat in a month or two, but until I submit the dissertation I am very unlikely to have time to cut the release for 0.12, which I think is what everyone wants — it's certainly what I would like to see. :)

At the moment, the only things I feel should block the 0.12 release are listed under that milestone on b.g.o. If someone wants to fix/triage those, cut a release (instruction on the wiki), and be around to handle the things that fall out from that, I'd be pretty happy to support them. I could give some assistance with commits, tarball uploading, PPAs, etc., but I'm too snowed under to be responsive for code reviews and bug triaging/squashing.

Maintainers who want to get their users off WebKit2 might want to package master as-is. It is relatively stable for me in daily use, despite a few regressions and a crasher or two, and the 0.12 release as I was envisioning it won't have too many more fixes going into it.


⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
⚙ <>

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 1:50 AM, Niels De Graef <nielsdegraef gmail com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

IIRC Michael is busy finishing up his PhD, which might be why he hasn't responded for a while.

Personally, although I'm eager to to take a look the last remaining issues and to get new patches pushed (there are some), I'm also graduating in a month. Since I still have to hand in my thesis with the deadline rapidly approaching and have to take my last exams, I don't have the time to contribute right now. That being said, I should be able to have free time again starting mid September.


On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Federico Bruni <fede inventati org> wrote:
Hi Rik

You are not the first asking this question.

Last February Mike had a lot of plans for the near future of geary:

It's a pity, because 0.12 release seems to be "just" two issues away:

Hoping to hear from Mike (and other developers too).

Il giorno ven 4 ago 2017 alle 12:59, Rik Shaw <rikshaw76 gmail com> ha scritto:
Sadly I haven't seen any core commits since March: in fact Michael Gratton (mjog) seems to have been absent since that time, whereas before there were several commits per month from him. Hope all is OK with him.

So, does anyone have information on the ongoing development status for Geary? Here is the commit log, fyi:



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