Re: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, et al.

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:41:41 -0400, Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D. wrote:

> GARNOME builds and runs on N different versions of P different distros.
> Building these applications insures that GARNOME sees versions of
> external packages that are consistent with and known to work with
> The question of which external apps to build rather than install from
> the distro has no exact answer.  Not all external packages are available
> from all distros.
> There is a secondary consideration. Libtool files for external distro
> packages often pull in other libtool files for external distro packages
> which sometimes conflict with packages built within GARNOME.
> It's a moving target.
> -Joseph

As a follow-up. IF I wanted to use the existing libraries, or upgrade the
existing libraries in the system directories, which of the following two
methods (or another) would work to keep granome from making its own:

1) remove the dependency in the application's root Makefile by sed'ing the
LIBDEPS = line. OR
2) rename the dependent directory to .pkgconfig, .cairo, etc. to keep it
from building.

Only reason I persist, is for some reason garnome installs pkgconfig 0.20
in its directories, whereas I have 0.21 on my system. Cairo is the same,
freetype is lower, etc.

Don't mean to be OCD about this, but I enjoy trying to understand the
reasoning behind your excellent design, but always seek to optimize and
reduce redundancy whenever possible.



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