Re: anyone needs a extra hand

ons 2011-05-11 klockan 09:13 -0400 skrev Tim Howard:
> At the moment progress on F-Spot has basically stalled (in as much as I
> know). I was trying to reignite development on it but I've had a ton of RL
> stuff come up (moving, etc.), so my extra time has been non-existent.
> I suspect the best thing would be to wade through bugzilla and work on
> anything you find that sounds interesting.


I'd just like to announce that I am interested in doing some work to
keep F-Spot going forward, even though I did not get a GSoC stipend.

Got a job this summer though, so since I won't have enormous amounts of
time to dedicate to F-Spot, I'll lay low for a while.

When you feel like trying to get the development going again, please
announce it to the list (or send a mail privately if you don't want the
pressure ;)), I'm listening :)

Simon Lindgren

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