Re: Time synchronization [was: GPS geotagging: first steps to implementation]

Am Dienstag, den 31.08.2010, 07:52 +0200 schrieb Mike Gemünde:
> Am Dienstag, den 31.08.2010, 01:17 +0200 schrieb Jan Girlich:
> > This is just a preparatory step for syncing GPS data and pictures, for
> > which accurate EXIF times are crucial.
> Just let the user adjust the time. If he or she locates one photo
> properly, you exactly know the difference of UTC and Exif time. So, I
> don't see a problem there. From my experience, Exif time is normally far
> away from be set properly. I often forget to do the clock change and
> also my camera clock is anyway some minutes out of sync.

I am sorry, but from this statement I must assume you did not understand
my idea at all.

You just repeated the problem I'm trying to solve with my idea: the
camera clocks are way off. I proposed a semi-automatic way to correct
the EXIF timestamps properly.

Positioning one photo correctly on a map is not a very good solution
because people usually spend more time than one second at one spot to
take a picture. So by placing one picture correctly you only determine a
time frame of several minutes, which is not accurate enough and causes
the user to position several pictures until he pinpointed the time
properly for the whole import roll.

My way for time synchronization has two advantages:

1) More accurate (and easier to use, I think).

2) Can be implemented right now, all the necessary libs are available
(No need for a map widget).


PS: You really use local time for your photos? How do you handle
crossing different time zones when traveling and thus pictures being
taken at the same local time and date?

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