Re: [Evolution] Printing an email to PDF file mystery

-----Original Message-----
On Thu, 2022-10-27 at 19:31 +0100, Adam Hardy via evolution-list wrote:
I'm trying to print an email to a PDF file using CTRL+p and choosing
"Print to File" with output format "PDF". 

I'm pretty certain I've done this before without issue, but this time
I couldn't find the file anywhere, and definitely not in the home
directory where the dialog had proposed to put it by default.

I then tried printing it again and mysteriously, the print dialog
said the file already existed and asked if I wanted to overwrite it. 

I ran a "find /" on my whole system and couldn't find it. 

I'm running Evolution 3.44.4 (by with flatpak on Linux
Mint Cinnamon. I suspect this has something to do with flatpak
because I had a similar wierdness with Signal flatpak and saving
images to disk. 

Are the files really there? How do I find them? 

This was asked a few months ago:

and it looks like it's down to a bug

Hi Pete - fantastic, thank you thank you thank you - problem now solved. I upgraded (not sure that was necessary), installed Flatseal and used it to grant Evolution file permissions on my home dir. So that earlier thread was a good pointer. Embarrassingly I failed to find it with my search of the archives. Should have used "file" instead of "pdf" in my search terms. 

BTW the bug report is something unrelated, but the hint to use Flatseal via AskUbuntu in the linked thread was key.

@Tim McConnell - the print dialog and everything was fine, worked perfectly, except for writing a file to the given directory. I *think* flatpak was using a virtual or in-memory cache to write files, because it didn't have permission to my home dir. It obviously just labelled it "/home/adam" even though it was only cached. 

Thanks everyone. 

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