Re: [Evolution] Printing an email to PDF file mystery

On Thu, 2022-10-27 at 19:31 +0100, Adam Hardy via evolution-list wrote:
I'm trying to print an email to a PDF file using CTRL+p and choosing
"Print to File" with output format "PDF". 

I'm pretty certain I've done this before without issue, but this time
I couldn't find the file anywhere, and definitely not in the home
directory where the dialog had proposed to put it by default.

I then tried printing it again and mysteriously, the print dialog
said the file already existed and asked if I wanted to overwrite it. 

I ran a "find /" on my whole system and couldn't find it. 

I'm running Evolution 3.44.4 (by with flatpak on Linux
Mint Cinnamon. I suspect this has something to do with flatpak
because I had a similar wierdness with Signal flatpak and saving
images to disk. 

Are the files really there? How do I find them? 

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Quick question Adam,when you are in the print to file screen does it
show "File:"? If I try it on mine, I can click on the box and it shows
where the file is being saved to. So in the "Print to file" view it's
to the left of "Output Format:" where you'd choose PDF etc.
I'm on Debian Bookworm with Evolution version 3.46.1-1 I believe there
is a flatpack version that is more recent than yours also. 

Tim McConnell <tmcconnell168 gmail com>

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