Re: [Evolution] Discourse -- Insufficient Trust Level

On Fri, 2022-10-21 at 14:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list

discourse is crap². I'm forwarding an original HTML email [1].

We’re sorry, but your email message to
[“applications discourse gnome org”] (titled [Evolution] The irks and
quirks of the migration from evolution-list to discourse) didn’t
Your account does not have the required trust level to post new
topics to this email address. If you believe this is an error,
contact a staff member.

Yup. You're a new user so not trusted to do things. See

It doesn't take much to get to Level 1 - I've got there already - but
all new users start at Level 0, which is heavily restricted "for safety
– both theirs and yours".

Perhaps it's just because I'm old and been doing these things a long
time, but the faux jolliness of all this really grates. This is what I
got on going up a level: 

   Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading, which is fantastic, so
   we’ve promoted you up a trust level!
   We’re really glad you’re spending time with us and we’d love to know
   more about you. Take a moment to fill out your profile, or feel free to
   start a new topic.

And this whole "badge" thing - - I
just don't ****ing care.


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