Re: [Evolution] Evolution binaries for my own account in Linux

In Scientific Linux 6.10, the version of Evolution is 2.32.3.

Sending a message using Evolution occasionally produces a message such

        550 DMARC Sender Invalid - envelope rejected


        550-5.7.26 Unauthenticated email from ... is not accepted
        due to 550-5.7.26 domain's DMARC policy.

Are you using a username & password to send through the SMTP server? 

Is there any consistent factor in when the error occurs?

The people who manage the smtp server insist the problem is emanating
from my computer, not their server.  Sometimes the message mentions my
computer, not the institutional smtp server.  My "sending" tab in
Evolution settings specifies the institutional smtp server, not my

Is this problem known?  

I have plenty of people using CentOS6 without any issues.

Can I get binaries to install Evolution 3.34 in /home/opt on my computer
(I'm allowed to own that directory)?  I downloaded sources and tried to
build it, but got another "You Idiot! You have an antique operating
system!" message:

        CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:3 (cmake_minimum_required):
          CMake 3.1 or higher is required.  You are running version

I tried to install cmake, but it wants a newer gettext than the
installed one, ....

Evolution 3.x needs the Gnome3 libraries - CentOS/SL/RHEL6 comes with
Gnome2.  You will need to recompile much of the Gnome infrastructure to
get the necessary libraries on your system.  It's not a 5 minute task
and I'm not sure it's even possible to get a functioning system without
root access.  RHEL6 doesn't have flatpack support so you can't even go
down that route.

I suspect your best bet is to ask if you can be upgraded to SL7 or


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