Re: [Evolution] Messages sorting in message list

On Thu, 2018-10-25 at 14:00 +0200, Francesco via evolution-list wrote:
Ok, got it.

I've some news. The good news is that Evolution can do it, all the code
is there. The bad news is there's a bug in the code. While the default
is to sort "children" ascending, this value is not properly propagated
to the internal structures, thus even the option is on, it has no

There's a workaround, just run evolution and when the Mail view will be
there, run this on a terminal:

   $ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail thread-children-ascending true

After that you'll see, immediately, that the message list changes
ordering. It doesn't matter whether it had been 'true' before or not.
This works until the next start of Evolution.

What I'm going to commit will relax some other code, which can
influence how the thread is constructed, thus the workaround above
might not produce exactly the same result as the patched Evolution.

I'll include a little bit of information in the related bug report
(mentioned earlier in this thread).

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