Re: [Evolution] Missing attachment clip icon

Hi Milan,
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2018 alle 10.34 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
 in a different
evolution, yours 3.26.6, then it shows no attachment icon initially,
but as soon as I view the message for the first time the icon is

It is not added when I play with internal files and keep the cached
message content on the disk. It requires to re-download the message
from the server.

Could there happen anything to your local summary after the message
been downloaded? You even might not notice it, like when the server
reports a UID validity change, though then the locally downloaded
messages in the cache should be deleted as well.

You can workaround this by searching for the message in
for example by searching for the Message-Id header value. You can
delete that message even when evolution is running, the next time
select it it'll be re-downloaded and the attachment icon will be
I have tried and I can confirm that this is exactly what happens here.
As far as I can understand, we don't know exactly why this happens, do
we? Should we try to find it out?

I can add a code to determine attachment existence whenever the
is loaded, thus also when loaded from the local cache, instead of
the server, but then it will be waste of resources most of the
which I hesitate to do.
Of course, I don't pretend it to be done. But I have to admit that
this behavior (bug?) is quite annoying. When I need to quickly find a
message (and I remember it has an attachment), I often search for it
by looking at the clip icon, so if the clip icon is buggy I have to
spend more time. Just now I have received another message (from the
same person, same Apple Mail client) with the exact same behavior. It
seems to always happen with messages from that person. I am wondering
if it is a problem experienced by all attachments sent by an Apple
Mail client, which surely would increase its importance.

You can also find at [1] the screenshot of the bottom part of the
message as rendered in evo. BTW, I could be wrong but I think I
encountered such a signature below the "attachment lines" (sorry
the improper name). Also, those two white strips below the 2nd and
3rd attachment rows (xls and 1st docx) seem strange to me.

Those are the text/html parts in the message, as constructed by the
Apple Mail, including the two "white strips" between attachments.
thanks for the explanation; so, given all the above, should we
consider Apple Mail as "buggy"?

Last note: if I double click on the first attach in the attachment
bar ("allegato.dat") at the very bottom of the window, it shows a
sort of message source in my text editor, is this normal?

I didn't see that "attachment.dat" here, only after I set in Edit->
Preferences->Mail Preferences->HTML messages to suppress the HTML
and to add it as an attachment in the Prefer Plain section at the
bottom of that tab.
Thanks, indeed, those were the options I had selected, and I have now
understood better how they work. To be honest, I have realized that,
with regard to the message (structure) above, I need to choose between
the presence of attachment.dat or the html view of the message (both
annoying to me (personal opinion)), because if I disable the checkbox
"show HTML suppressed part as attachments" and I don't choose the
first option ("Show HTML if present") in the "HTML mode" combobox, the
attachments are not shown at all (which would be the worst effect).

BTW, and eventually, I have also received a message from an iPhone
with a similar behavior (problems to show attachments). I can share
some details here, if it matters (didn't do it right now because I
don't want to mess up the thread).

Thank you very much for your explanations,

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