[Evolution] Again: Left-click in text field grabs window to move

I have stumbled across this thread from March 2015:

In its last entry, Ángel González wrote that he could not reproduce
this behaviour.

I am working on an OracleLinux 7.1 system (another RHEL clone) on
which I got GNOME upgraded to 3.14 and Evolution to 3.12 after running
yum update.
From that moment on I have the same effect: when composing a message
and left-clicking into the text area, the window is being grabbed for
moving (i.e. the mouse cursor changes to cross-arrow and the window
moves along with the mouse). Another left- or right-click resolves
this issue.

This effect seems not to depend on window managers, i.e. I have this
with both WindowMaker and Enlightenment (the two WMs on my box).

Since the original thread was not really closed with a resolution to
the problem, I reopen this here: has anyone found out why this happens
and what can be done to stop this behaviour?



Dr. Martin Dietze
1. Vorsitzender
Deutsch-Ukrainischer Kulturverein e.V.

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