Re: [Evolution] Moving evolution 1.5

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 02:11 -0600, Richard Zach wrote:
What does it take to move an evolution setup in 1.5?  In 1.4, all I had
to do was copy ~/evolution, and I'd have all my accounts set up,
addressbook and calendar.   With a copy of .gnome2/gnome-pilot.d I'd
also have my gpilotd setup and sync status.  Now I've set up a new
machine (on Suse 9.1) and copied ~/.evolution (ie, my 1.5 profile &
files), but whenever I call evolution-1.5 it insists on a new
installation and my old address book etc. are not available.

you need to copy also ~/.gconf/apps/evolution, which is where all
accounts and other configuration are kept.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo novell com>

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