Re: [Evolution] Setting the "from address" in evolution?

ons, 31.03.2004 kl. 13.05 skrev Jamie L. Penman-Smithson:

Throwing about hysterical comments such as this, is not particularly
helpful. You can *already* change your email address to whatever you
want, you can pretend to be the Prime Minister of Mongolia, such is the
nature of the SMTP protocol. You can even do this (*shock* *horror*) in
Evolution already - change your From address to whatever you please.

I don't want to attack - please see the From: address that I use; I
often use VERP myself (after 2004-04-08 this address will be invalid and
my mail server will reject mail to it).

However, whilst it might be possible to enter any From: address in mail
sent from MTAs that I install and maintain, it isn't possible at all to
send any mail without authenticating with a user name and a password.
This user name is then used in the envelope sender dialog with the MTA
(EHLO/MAIL FROM:/RCPT TO:/DATA). If the authenticated user then tries to
use  any other MAIL FROM:, the server won't let him. I'll always know
which of my users sent which mail to whom from my servers - this is a
recent Postfix smtp AUTH jail. Simply because I won't tolerate forgers
or spammers on my patches.



mail: billy - at -

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