[Evolution] UI issues


I've been using evolution (currently 1.4.5-3.2) for a few months now,
and am really enjoying it. I have a 3 comments/questions:

1) I have my mail fetched and parsed by external programs, and evolution
does not do a good job of noticing when new mail has arrived (and
updating my mailbox lists and currently open mailbox). Is there a way to
fix this?

2) The key binding to compose a new email while looking at email is
"Ctrl-N", but while viewing other components of evolution (such as
contacts or calendar) the shortcut is "Ctrl-Shift-M" ... The "Ctrl-N"
key binding is fine, but I should be able to do a "Ctrl-Shift-M" while
viewing mail and have it open up a "Compose a message" window"

3) I've heard that the v1.5 user interface is rather different than the
1.4 interface. Is this true? Will there be a way to select the "Classic"
1.4 interface?

All in all, keep up the great work!

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