Re: Caution! RANT: Re: [Evolution] exchange connector on Fedora core1

On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 13:30 -0500, Christopher Ness wrote:

Think of FC as the young, hip kid.  Someone who is willing to try new
things, while REL as an older person set in their ways, being rock solid
performing the same task over and over again, refusing to change.

If FC is the young kid, Exchange is the old fogey and Connector is a pair of orthopedic shoes and a hearing aid. Which is to say, Connector is a product aimed at the enterprise market, not the young-hip-kid market.

You're welcome to purchase the product and force-install it -- I've known customers to disassemble the binary RPM, edit the spec files, and reassemble it so that it installs into different directories --  but Ximian can only offer support for a certain limited set of systems. That's the way it's going to be, and although it's not ideal, it's all we can do given the limited number of resources available to us.



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