Re: [Evolution] Calendar: recurrence, exceptions and occurrences

On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 13:08, D. D. Brierton wrote:
If it turns out that another Wednesday becomes unavailable for the
class, or that one of the Wednesdays that was originally unavailable
becomes available, in order to adjust my calendar I have to change the
recurrence tab in two places: I have to change the exceptions and also
the occurrences.

Just thinking a little more about this ... it seems that not only is
this confusing it is also makes it very easy for the user to mess up
their appointments. If the number of occurrences and exceptions is
large, it becomes easy for the user to make a mistake in their
arithmetic and end up with incorrect entries in their calendar. If, like
me, they are hopeless at remembering anything unless its written down
this could lead to missed appointments.

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren dzr-web com
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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