Re: [Evolution] Lost My Calendar

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 08:10, John Locke wrote:
Lane P. Lester said:

After using the Calendar successfully for several weeks, now when I run
Evolution, it says it can't open .../calendar.ics, so all my entries are
gone. I dual boot two distros on this machine, and I have them share
/opt. I put the evolution directory in /opt, and I symlinked that
directory to the user's home directory. There did not seem to be any
problems, and the Calendar was displaying properly.

Any idea what happened to calendar.ics?

I had exactly the same thing happen to me a couple days ago. The file
itself did not appear to be corrupted--I could read it just fine, and
didn't see anything that looked unusual. I do not share the installation
with any other OS, and Evo is on a box that's always online. It just all
of a sudden quit working.

I ended up running killev, renaming the calendar.ics file, and restarting
Evolution. This created a new, empty calendar file, and I was able to
recover my calendar from my Palm (though this didn't work until I had a
clean calendar.ics file).

I'd be interested in an explanation, myself...

my guess is that wombat was killed or interrupted while writing the
file, and this can have left some invalid characters in the file that
make it fail when opening it again.

I suppose it will be difficult to reproduce, but if you can, please make
sure when it happens, you are running wombat on a terminal window, to
see if it spits out some error messages.

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo ximian com>

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