Re: [Evolution] Missing navigation buttons in message windows

On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 02:51, Philippe Chartier wrote:
Le mer 13/11/2002 à 05:44, Chuck Stuettgen a écrit :
I just upgraded to 1.2. Overall I am pleased with the improvements and
new features. However there is one thing I think is a step backward. The
decision to remove the message navigation buttons from the message
windows is a MAJOR pain!  Like Dan <percy lace daisy myrealbox com> I
prefer to read my messages in a separate window.

Is there any reason why you have can't two sets of navigation buttons,
with one set active depending on which window is the active window?  

Please consider adding the message navigation buttons back to message

Yes, I miss the navigation buttons as well. 

I've discovered that you could navigate with the "<" and ">" keys. But
when you have a threaded view (for example, reading mails from the
Evolution list), it jumps almost randomly, it seems, among messages
instead of following the threads.

By the way, I also greatly appreciate the new version, especially the
"Pipe through shell command" Filter. I've installed spamassassin and it
changed my life ;-)

The new signature management is a relief as well.

Many thanks!

Thanks for the heads up on the < > keys. I don't use the threaded
messages feature so that works for me.  The only problem is that I use a
laptop so I have to turn CAPS LOCK on if I don't want to use two hands
to go to the next message.

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