[Evolution] problem with opening URLs in Evolution e-mail

I just wanted to make sure that I am setting up my
default web browser (that Evolution calls when you
click on a URL within an e-mail message) in the
correct place:
Gnome Control Center --> Document Handlers --> URL Handlers
--> Default

I have tried several variations:
opera "%s"
mozilla "%s"
mozilla -remote "%s"

but none are working.   When I click on a URL in an
email, I see my CPU utilization go to 100% for about
3 seconds, but a browser window never opens, and
(when using the mozilla -remote) my currently-opened
Mozilla did not go to the clicked URL.

I guess this is a Gnome thing and not an Evolution
thing, but I just wanted to make sure.

One more thing....a little off-topic, but does anyone
know how (if its even possible) to tell Mozilla to
use Evolution for e-mail when I click on a
"mailto:" URL instead of the Mozilla mail program?

unruly adj.
	Difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule.

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