Re: [Evolution] Problem with calendar an tasks

On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 21:37, Erwin Kaatz wrote:

whenever I open de the calendar or tasks I get this message
Unable to open folder '/home/user/evolution/local/Tasks/tasks.ics'
I cant open the folder in 

Then if I create an entrance in the calendar and save it as
calendar.ics, I still get the 
same problem if I close the program and open it again

It doesn't work either when I put save and close, I get the message "I
can't save the objetc" 

what can I do?

I am using ximian evolution 1.0

Have you had a look at what is in those files? Do they look corrupted?

Try renaming those 2 .ics files and starting Evolution again (after a
'killev'). Does it start OK now?


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