Re: [Evolution] Two buggies of minor concern

On 21 Dec 2000 22:07:27 +1300, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

Umm...      ahh...     ahem...     NO!   

The "is just your choice of fonts" thing just does not work for Mr Joe
Average and his 300 co workers.  

Sorry, but it's true.

I know, but all the packages involved are still under development..
hopefully once we get to a 1.0 on everything there'll be a better
solution. I don't have any idea why the default fonts don't work but the
Windows ones do (for me at least), so I use them. I just figured that if
it worked for me, it might work for someone else. There's no harm in
trying, is there?
Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening in the first place?

Justin Wake

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