Re: [Evolution] bugs

- (older bug) some jpegs are still only a black square (although eog
renders well)

Could you forward me a sample message?

- (perf) when uniconifying a picture, Evo re-renders all icons in the mail,
this is
  slow when there are lots of picture attached.

Hm... yes...

- some mail still crash Evo when displayed (I can forward'em if you want)

Please do. (To me, not the list. :)

- If I change from a modem connection to a direct connection, Evo needs to
  be restarted to resolve domain names. Seems like it caches the dns for
  too long.

And no other programs behave the same way?

Evolution just calls "gethostbyname". I can't see why it would behave
any differently from any other program.

-- Dan

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