[Evolution] Re: What I want in a mail client ....

Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj helixcode com> writes:

[... lots of happy done stuff snipped ...]

* Flexible personalities (signature and header values, at a minimum)
  on a per-folder basis.

sort of done, but not really ;-)
We will support multiple identities. What do you mean by "header

I want to be able to have an identity be able to set any header values
on outgoing messages.  Naturally, From: is obvious, but for instance
I'd like to be able to have the identity set X- headers, reply-to, or

* Good disconnected use.  The only way I should notice that I'm
  disconnected (if I'm using local message store) is that I'm not
  getting new mail.

Do you mean with IMAP? or what? If you mean with IMAP, it'll be there
"soon" otherwise it's not an issue.

Without imap, it's still an issue.  It's not just mail access, but
replies should be queued and sent whenever I get back online.  And
replies should be queued without having to mess with my MTA.  8^)
(Biggest reason for that is NNTP disconnectedness, actually.)

* News access, preferably treating newsgroups and mailing list folders
  the same.

sorta lacking here because it's not a "must have" feature but it does
sort of work supposedly.

Well, it's important for me.  8^)  Actually, that I can wait for.
(Ditto multiple newsservers and disconnected news access.)

Alan Shutko <ats acm org> - In a variety of flavors!
Graduate life: It's not just a job.  It's an indenture.

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