[Evolution] How to delete folders (was Re: [Evolution-hackers] Weekly Feature Request Summary (12/6))

On 07 Dec 2000 09:39:29 +1030,  wrote:

    - How to delete a folder(s)?

Use rm.  (so its not very elegant, but it is a valid & safe way to do it at
the moment).

  The local folders are actually directories.  The subfolders of a
folder are contained in its `subfolders' subdirectory, and the toplevel
directory is `~/evoluton/local'.  The name of the directory is the same
as the name of the folder.

  So for example, if you want to delete a subfolder of Inbox called
"MyStuff", you have to do:

    rm -rf ~/evolution/local/Inbox/subfolders/MyStuff


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