Re: [evince] query about project status | adding support for annotation...

On Sun, 2014-02-09 at 20:04 +0530, Shammi Kumar wrote:
Hi there,
I want to know about the present status and the future plans for the
annotation feature in Evince.


At this moment the only annotation supported in Evince is post-it-like
notes. However, it is not possible to move them once they are set.

There are many types of annotations, even more if you consider subtypes.
Some of them are not even supported/exported by poppler-glib, the
library used by Evince to handle PDF files. So, some work must be done
there first.

The ones that have been recently added into poppler-glib, and "ready" to
be added in evince are: lines, squares, circles, highlight, strike out,
squiggly and underline.

Please, note the quotation marks around "ready". That means that
"somebody" has to do it, either a new volunteer or an already
contributor as soon as they find time to do it.

You can track the annotation's support in bugzilla. There is a special
item "annotations" in

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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