[evince] add Evince helpful information to share on web with others

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How to open pdf files by default with Evince when using Midori on LXDE-core
on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.

In using Midori with lxde-core, go to any web site with a PDF file for
reading or downloading, click on a PDF file, select SaveAs and save the pdf
file to your home/username directory, then using File Manager, Right-click
on the pdf file, select Open With.., click the symbol to the right of
Graphics and select Evince Document Viewer and click OK. Document Viewer box
will open and display "Unable to open document, file type plain text
document (text/plain) is not supported", but click the Close button to close
Document Viewer. Now go back to a web site using Midori to view a PDF file
and when you click on Open, it will open PDF files using Evince by default.




Bill Schmitz, CPA

Chief Financial Officer


402 N Market St

Wichita, KS 67202-2012

(E) bill wichitaymca org

(P) 316.219.9622 ext. 5552 | (F) 316.858.1540

(W) ymcawichita.org


LIFECHANGING | The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living and social



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