Re: [evince] possible wrong error by evince

"jose aliste gmail com" <jose aliste gmail com> writes:

> Of course you are right, but we are talking about different parts of
> the PDF file. 

> I think that you are not correct about what is happening here. We
> interpret these using poppler, so we get the same result as in pdfinfo
> :) (You can see properties of the file in evince and you will see
> them) 

I am appending the umlaut.pdf file we get at the end, as well as the
PostScript file that LilyPond generates as its intermediate output.  I

pdftk output xxx.pdf uncompress umlaut.pdf 
Error: Unexpected data in output section: 
Errors encountered.  No output created.
Done.  Input errors, so no output created.

which is indeed suspicious.  However, it does not appear like the
PostScript file contains any XML.

So take a look at the handcrafted file  It is rather essential.
Run ps2pdf on it.  Start Evince on the resulting pdf file.  You'll get

Entity: line 10: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0xA1 0x20 0xA2 0x3C
fault'>Document title</rdf:li></rdf:Alt></dc:title><dc:creator><rdf:Seq><rdf:li>

And indeed, the PDF (which is readable) contains a metadata block in
Latin-1 encoding.  So it would appear like ps2pdf (which LilyPond also
uses) is actually at fault here, putting the blame at the feet of the
Ghostscript developers.

David Kastrup

Attachment: umlaut.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: PostScript document

Description: PostScript document

Attachment: sss.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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