Re: [evince] possible wrong error by evince


Thanks for reporting this. This error is on the parse of the metadata. I have no time right now to look in deep at it, will try to do next week,  but the description you give is  wrong to my eyes, so another thing must be happening. I'll try to explain. One thing is that the character "ä" is U+00e4, and another thing is how to code this character in UTF-8, where you need two bytes, and the code is c3 a4, so if lilypond are trying to code "ä" as a e4, this is not a valid UTF-8 code!
 But I doubt that this is really the reason, but as I said, will look through next week.  

Please note that the code that throws the error is the libxml parser, which usually is very strict about encodings and things like that. 



On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Frédéric Bron <frederic bron m4x org> wrote:
Dear evince developpers,

The attached pdf triggers an error while opened with evince 3.4.0
(poppler/cairo 0.18.4) on fedora 17:
Entity: line 10: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0xE4 0x3C 0x2F 0x72


The pdf was created with lilypond 2.16.0 (music typesetting tool) on
fedora 17. According to the developpers of lilypond, the "ä" character
that triggers the error is well encoded and the error should not be
reported by evince:
00004830  74 3e 3c 2f 64 63 3a 74  69 74 6c 65 3e 3c 64 63  |t></dc:title><dc|
00004840  3a 63 72 65 61 74 6f 72  3e 3c 72 64 66 3a 53 65  |:creator><rdf:Se|
00004850  71 3e 3c 72 64 66 3a 6c  69 3e e4 3c 2f 72 64 66  |q><rdf:li>.</rdf|

On this last line, we can see that the code of the "ä" is e4 which is
the right unicode code.
Other readers like xpdf, okular and pdfinfo do not report any error.
Here is the issue link at lilypond:



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