GtkImageView for EOG

Hello all!

I spoke briefly with Lucas about this on GUADEC, and he seemed
supportive of the idea, so here it is.

I'm the author of GtkImageView which is a widget that provides a
zoom able and pane able view of a GdkPixbuf. The project has two
purposes, first to serve my needs in another project and secondly to
consolidate gtk+ image viewer implementations because I was annoyed at
all minor differences. There are lots of image viewer/editing
programs, all using their own code because there was no ready-made
widget they could link to, but now there is!

So my proposal is basically to replace EOG:s image viewer widget with
GtkImageView. Advantages include (but are not limited to!): Decoupling
(engineers love that). GIF animation support. Standardized keyboard
and mouse interface (mostly borrowed from gThumb) and Image
nav button. Disadvantages: Not so many because I've borrowed all the good
ideas from EOG. :) Not so well supported because the widget is fairly new
(first released April 2007). But there's no rush, I don't expect
GtkImageView to be "mature enough" before GNOME 2.22 anyway.

So, if you like, I can produce a proof of concept patch that
demonstrates how EOG performs with GtkImageView.


What do you think?

mvh Björn

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