Re: once more with feeling (now going dotty)

On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Aaron Trevena wrote:
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 dia-list-request gnome org wrote:

I've been thinking about an import filter for dot files -- it would
allow some final adjustments of dot-generated graphs.  THere is an
option in dot to have it output its own format, but with layout
coordinates as annotations.  Being able to read those would be nice.

Golly! coords would be *so* cool - I will have to do a load more work
with graphviz so I can really make the most of it. I will probably start
off by allowing a dot format output and automagically using the right
file format from the filename.

lrclause shasta:.../dia:) dot -Tdot
digraph Foo { "Foo" -> "Bar" }
digraph Foo {
        node [label="\N"];
        graph [bb="0,0,54,124"];
        Foo [pos="27,98", width="0.75", height="0.50"];
        Bar [pos="27,26", width="0.75", height="0.50"];
        Foo -> Bar [pos="e,27,44 27,80 27,72 27,63 27,54"];

Should be easy to parse.

obDia :

how useful / possible would a code to FSD or even FSD to code tool
be. UML is *so* passe ;) State Diagrams rock, I haven't really done many
since uni but I think I could parse out some clues from perl code and
possibly c++ - anybody else got any ideas.

What kinds of FSD's are you talking about?  Are these things close to
standardized?  Can you give examples?

finally anybody interested in a chart/graph/related tools website and
mailing list - maybe something like ?

I'm sure there's some out there already, but I'm too lazy to go look.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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