Removing shell access

Ignore this email if you are not a maintainer.

After the GNOME 3.0.1 release I will remove shell access to for people in the 'ftpadmin' group (maintainers).

You will still have access to the VM.

 * you cannot use the old install-module script anymore
 * I will disable any cron jobs running on

The GNOME 3.0.1 release requires the tarballs to be created latest at
April 25th at 23:59 UTC. The shell access will only be removed after
GNOME 3.0.1 is released (around April 27).

Users who have one of the accounts/gnomeweb/webusers groups will still
be able to access Note that the /ftp mount will be
made readonly on at the same time the ftpadmin access
is revoked.

Regarding ftpadmin:

If you notice any bugs in the ftpadmin script, please file them at:

Bugs fixed:
 - Will still try and add a version in Bugzilla even if there is no
   bug-database in the DOAP file
 - Correctly verify tarballs generated with the Solaris tar program
 - Remove original tarball (the one in your homedirectory)
 - Clarify in the 'extra-data' error message that the program can likely
   be fixed by adding 'tar-ustar' in AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
 - Flush data when creating NEWS/ChangeLog files

New features:
 - Extra headers (easier parsing) in the ftp-release-list emails

Oustanding issues:
 - Doesn't generate RSS feed anymore
   Suggestions for easy to use Python package welcome (needs to be
   available in RHEL6 or EPEL6)
 - Need to figure out a timeline to move to .xz format


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