Re: [Deskbar] deskbar 2.20 impressions

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Jose daLuz schrieb:
> On 10/26/07, Sebastian Pölsterl <marduk k-d-w org> wrote:
>> My problem is that the user can activate an action in two different ways:
>> 1) Just clicking on a match (default action)
>> 2) Displaying the list of actions and selecting an action there
>> But most of the time the match has a different icon than all the
>> actions. The action's icon is displayed in history, because 1) silently
>> activates the default action. Would the actions have the same icon as
>> the match, the icon would be useless for the actions, because it doesn't
>> give any additional information. The only thing that might be useful is
>> that the icon of the default action has the icon of match, but I'm not
>> sure if this would only cause even more confusion.
>> I can't speak for anyone else, but for me the problem is finding the
> history entry I want in a long list, not trying to determine the specific
> action for an entry. I use the deskbar history most often for websites or
> files I go back to over and over, and the action is almost always the same
> for these items.
> I find the action icon does not always fully describe the action - for music
> files, for instance, I get a default open, open with VLC, open with Movie
> Player, open with Banshee, all of which have the same action icon. Same with
> text files, multiple editors all with the same icon. I would suggest the
> match icon is more meaningful and makes locating the history item easier.
I got an idea: How about showing the applications' icon instead of the
generic open icon. I'm not sure if it actually works, but I think this
would improve things.

> One way of handling this might be to include an actions icon at the end of
> each history entry. So you click on the history entry and get whatever the
> original action was, or you click on the arrow and get the same actions
> dialog that you get with the original results.
I think this would make it only more complicated.

> While I'm on the subject of finding a particular entry in the history list,
> what do you think about the idea of making the most recent history item
> clicked on go to the top of the list? So history items you use all the time
> would always be at the top, less frequent or one-time entries would fall to
> the bottom, with a maximum number of entries so old items would eventually
> drop off the list completely?
When you click on a match from the history handler the item will go to
the top of history. This might be useful when a item from the dropdown
menu is selected, too. However, history behaved exactly the same in
previous versions, too. I'm not sure if we should really change this.

- --
Sebastian Pölsterl
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