Re: [Banshee-List] Google Summer of Code and Banshee

On 24 March 2010 02:14, David Nielsen <gnomeuser gmail com> wrote:
> So with that in mind, do we have any proposals and where do we officially
> list them?

I'm listing my ideas for SoC projects here first before adding them to
lgo [1] and mpc [2].

1. ReplayGain detection (bgo#477351)
Analyse both album and track RG on import and on demand. Optionally
write them to track metadata. The code will be very similar to the BPM
detection extension, so perhaps the scope is too narrow to make it a
good SoC project.

2. Better handling of cover art
 * Write images to track metadata (bgo#600885)
 * Query more sources
 * Add a query field to search for tracks with or without covers
 * Option to save cover art in the album folder
 * etc...

3. Customisable browser (bgo#540873 and its numerous potential duplicates)
 * Add genre filter
 * Show artists or album artists
 * Composers and conductors filter
 * Option to show the year next to the albums
 * Option to sort the albums by album name, artist name or year
 * etc...

4. More powerful smart playlist editor
 * Allow to construct complex queries involving multiple logical
operators (bgo#571105)
 * Detect dependencies and update smart playlists recursively (bgo#585093)

5. Windows port (again)
As far as I understand the idea is to use bockbuild to bundle
everything the same way it's done for OS X.

I'm willing to mentor either of these five.

6. Replace podsleuth with libgpod bindings
Would be great for the Banshee project but someone else would need to
step up, I don't have any Apple hardware or desire to work on their

Let me know if these ideas are too broad or to narrow; I haven't been
mentoring before and don't know how much students can accomplish
during the summer. More project ideas are of course welcome!

I'll update [1] and [2] later this week.



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