Re: [Banshee-List] Upload iPod data to Nike+ Website

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 4:04 AM, Aixi <ballemalle gmx de> wrote:
i'm using my iPod-nano with the Nike+-Sensor for my runs to store all
informations (time, distance etc.) of my workouts. It is possible to load up
this datas to the Nike+-website with iTunes. I don't use Windows since years
and so i am not able to use iTunes, at least i dont want to use it with
Wine, VirtualBox or other stuff.
Will there be any chance to upload this with banshee in the future? I found
a java-tool (Neki) to make the informations visible on the local-PC, but
this is not perfect to me.

I'm guessing this would be a good candidate for a Banshee extension. If it's already written in Java, I'm guessing the "core" code could be pretty easily ported to C#/Mono if you're familiar with both. (I'm not, so I won't be any help there, and my estimation might be off. ;)

This is the place to ask for help if you're thinking about developing something (also see here:, but if you just want to file an enhancement request for the feature, you can do that here:


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