Re: [xml] additional xmlReader functions

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 09:41:09AM +0100, Graham Bennett wrote:
Hi all,

  Hi Graham,

Attached is a patch (against 2.6.14) that adds a few additional
functions the xmlReader, that I found useful:

  thanks, looks good, applied !
xmlTextReaderIsNamespaceDecl: determine whether the current attribute
node is a namespace decl.

xmlTextReaderConstEncoding: work out the encoding of the current doc.
xmlTextReaderConstXmlVersion: the xml version of the current doc.
xmlTextReaderStandalone: the standalone status of the current doc.

  The only question remaining was about keeping the "Const" in the name,
since I don't think we will provide a non-const version, but on the other
hand this is more consistent with the existing API so I kept the names as-is.

The information for the last 3 is available via xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc,
but by using the above functions one doesn't need to worry about freeing
up the doc pointer when freeing the reader.

  Yes this makes it more convenient !
Ideally we should try to add some test coverage for the new entry points
but this looks clean enough it seems relatively hard to break.

  commited, thanks !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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