Re: [Vala] Ternary operator and nullable values in return statements

Dru Moore píše v Ne 28. 11. 2010 v 18:22 +0000:
Hi all,

Was surprised to see the following fail to compile with an "error:
Incompatible expressions" in Vala 0.10.0 (simplified test case to

public static int main (string[] args) {
  int? x = test (12);
  return 0;

public int? test (int number) {
  return (0 == number) ? null : 1;

Am I missing something obvious of misunderstanding something equally

Yep, 1 is not of a nullable type, so you have either null or some value
and Vala can't infer what they have in common (well, strictly speaking,
they have nothing). You need to cast it like this:
  (0 == number) ? null : (int?) 1

  int? i = 1;
  (0 == number) ? null : i

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