Re: [Tracker] Running Tracker with dbus system bus

Hi Philip

Am 02.01.2014 um 11:53 schrieb Philip Van Hoof <philip codeminded be>:
...long snip...
A proper solution (with security in mind) might be * add an option
that makes Tracker use system dbus context instead of session
context * add another option to take a user under which Tracker
will run in this case, this user MUST not be root

Patches that implement this would be welcomed. At least from my side.
Note that other Tracker maintainers might also have a point of view.

Some locations in the code:

For tracker-store:

This one  is used by tracker-extract:

The D-Bus service for all miners:

Unfortunate manual D-Bus connection to tracker-store from miner-fs:

In case you need tracker-writeback:

Thanks for the pointers! I'll keep you guys updated if and once I start working on this.


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