Re: [Tracker] autostart the miners and libreoffice files not indexing?

On 27/03/12 07:27, BjÃrn Johansson wrote:
Hi all,


When turning on the computer, the miners dont seem to start.

Are you sure the .desktop files don't have autostart turned off. This can be configured by the distro or packager of course with patches (if that's how you're installing Tracker).

Check X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true in:




bjorn bjorn-UL30A:~$ tracker-control
Found 153 PIDsâ

27 Mar 2012, 07:12:48:  â     Store                 - Unavailable

27 Mar 2012, 07:12:48:  â     Emails                - Not running or
is a disabled plugin
27 Mar 2012, 07:12:48:  â     File System           - Not running or
is a disabled plugin
27 Mar 2012, 07:12:48:  â     Applications          - Not running or
is a disabled plugin

At this point the miner-fs is the only one that should start automatically (and that includes the File System and Applications mining).

The other thing is that indexing libreoffice writer docs does not seem to work:

I tested this by inventing a unique nonsense word "vbncmc"
and putting this in a text file and a writer doc and the writer
document saved in
mso office format. I can only find the ms office format document and
the text file
using needle. According to the build message, openoffice documents
should have been

Hmm, can you attach files and the issues to a bug report please? I think there is an existing bug about OOo files, but it's more about finding the right word spacing IIRC. Anyway, better to have bugs instead of forgetting these issues ;)



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