Re: [Tracker] How to control Indexing in tracker

On 09/12/11 12:29, chetan nanda wrote:

I am using tracker 0.10.4

I see. 0.10.4 is quite an old version I have to say. There have been many improvements since then. We were generally doing releases once per week for 0.10 for a long while and we're now up to 0.10.37. That's a long period of fixing between your version and the latest on that stable series.

 > Hi,
 > I am new to tracker. I have installed tracker on my embedded kit.
 > I have huge data and tracker is taking more CPU usage for indexing and
 > it is making my UI boot up slow.
 > So, can anybody tell me how can i control the indexing in tracker code?

There are a number of ways you can achieve this, we have a throttle, a startup wait time (sleep) for situations where you're booting and want Tracker to be launched later for quick boots and in recent 0.12 versions we make use of SCHED_IDLE too.

 > I have already tried by changing indexing speed in tracker configuration
 > file. but it is not solving my issue.

Which configuration did you try changing here?

I would really suggest upgrading to the latest 0.10 release or 0.12 if possible. At least testing that may show significant improvements.


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.

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