[Tracker] Deskbar Applet - to be or not to be?

Hi all,

So, I have been looking into the deskbar applet to figure out if we can and should fix it before the next 0.8 release briefly.

Current issues with doing this work:

- It is very out of date to the point where a re-write is almost more useful here (when talking about the current Tracker APIs) - GNOME shell will make any new work rather pointless as far as I understand it. - The current module also looks out of date according to the documentation on live.gnome.org for creating a plug-in for Deskbar. - We already have tracker-search-bar which does something similar here so we do have an alternative solution.

So what I want to do is to find out if anyone is interested in fixing or re-writing this work before the 0.8 release or not? If not, then I will remove it in this week's release.


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