Re: [Tracker] tracker-miner-fs crash?

2009/11/10 Philip Van Hoof <spam pvanhoof be>:
On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 17:14 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe wrote:
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 17:08, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe<tshepang gmail com> wrote:

Auwch, this is memory corruption in the gslice magazine allocator.

This new issue isn't related to the corruption btw. But right that you
can't continue with fatal-criticals unless this new issue is fixed.

We'll need to you to run valgrind with

export G_SLICE=always-malloc
export G_DEBUG=gc-friendly

And reproduce to find this issue

You can also set G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals so that we can find where the
criticals are coming from. If we are lucky those criticals are related
to the memory corruption. Meaning that we have good assertions ;-)


$ G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals valgrind
--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high -v
--log-file=valgrind.log /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs

produces a quick crash:

Tracker-Message: Starting next miner...
(tracker-miner-fs:23552): Tracker-DEBUG: URN '(null)' (mount point:

Owk, so your device's URN is NULL. That's probably why I'm not seeing
this here.

Can you reproduce this in gdb instead and give me a a copypaste of what
thread apply all bt in gdb tells you?

this one happened after doing a move operation

Tracker-Message: Received monitor event:64->'IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVE*'
for file:'/home/wena/live.' (cookie:77099)
(tracker-miner-fs:2259): Tracker-DEBUG: Setting up event pair timeout check
Tracker-Message: Received monitor event:128->'IN_MOVED_TO | IN_MOVE*'
for file:'/home/wena/live_' (cookie:77099)
(tracker-miner-fs:2259): Tracker-DEBUG: In
store:'/home/wena/live.'->'/home/wena/live_':Found  (DIR) (move
monitor event or user request)
(tracker-miner-fs:2259): Tracker-DEBUG: Moving item from
'file:///home/wena/live.' to 'file:///home/wena/live_'
(tracker-miner-fs:2259): Tracker-DEBUG: Checking for event pairs which
have timed out...
(tracker-miner-fs:2259): Tracker-DEBUG: No more events to pair, removing timeout
[Thread 0xb7799b70 (LWP 2693) exited]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7e4cdbe in item_update_uri_recursively_cb (miner=0x807e010,
result=0xb7e1eff4, error=0xb6bc73d0, user_data=0xbfffead0) at
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 1 (Thread 0xb7a04a50 (LWP 2259)):
#0  0xb7e4cdbe in item_update_uri_recursively_cb (miner=0x807e010,
result=0xb7e1eff4, error=0xb6bc73d0, user_data=0xbfffead0) at
#1  0xb7e495d0 in run_query_callback (result=0xb7e1eff4,
error=0xb6bc73d0, user_data=0x8084960) at tracker-miner.c:778
#2  sparql_query_cb (result=0xb7e1eff4, error=0xb6bc73d0,
user_data=0x8084960) at tracker-miner.c:804
#3  0xb7e6f045 in tracker_GPtrArray_reply (proxy=0x8072678,
OUT_result=0xb7e1eff4, error=0xb6bc73d0, user_data=0xb6eb61c0) at
#4  0xb7e6e7e1 in
(proxy=0x8072678, call=0x72196, user_data=0xb6b81010) at
#5  0xb7e2c53f in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#6  0xb7e04e51 in ?? () from /lib/
#7  0xb7df4d56 in ?? () from /lib/
#8  0xb7df5a5c in dbus_connection_dispatch () from /lib/
#9  0xb7e27bdd in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#10 0xb7c27e98 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#11 IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#12 0xb7c2b623 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x8070538, block=1,
dispatch=1, self=0x805d850) at
#13 0xb7c2baea in IA__g_main_loop_run (loop=0xb6b53ec8) at
#14 0xb7e4c23e in item_move (user_data=0x807e010) at tracker-miner-fs.c:1141
#15 item_queue_handlers_cb (user_data=0x807e010) at tracker-miner-fs.c:1275
#16 0xb7c260b1 in g_idle_dispatch (source=0xb6bbff20,
callback=0x37e60, user_data=0x807e010) at
#17 0xb7c27e98 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#18 IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#19 0xb7c2b623 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x8070538, block=0,
dispatch=1, self=0x805d850) at
#20 0xb7c2b7a8 in IA__g_main_context_iteration (context=0x8070538,
may_block=0) at
#21 0xb7e5e29c in inotify_watch_func (source=0x8086b30,
condition=G_IO_IN, data=0x0) at inotify-monitor.c:93
#22 0xb7c5e7ed in g_io_unix_dispatch (source=0x80864b8,
callback=0xb7e5e1b0 <inotify_watch_func>, user_data=0x0)
    at /build/buildd-glib2.0_2.22.2-2-i386-R8GTDn/glib2.0-2.22.2/glib/giounix.c:162
#23 0xb7c27e98 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#24 IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#25 0xb7c2b623 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x8070538, block=1,
dispatch=1, self=0x805d850) at
#26 0xb7c2baea in IA__g_main_loop_run (loop=0xb6ed50b0) at
#27 0xb7e4e875 in should_change_index_for_file (fs=0x807e010,
file=0x86b6c80) at tracker-miner-fs.c:1411
#28 0xb7e48c46 in tracker_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT (closure=0x807e948,
return_value=0xbffff0d0, n_param_values=2, param_values=0x8075190,
    marshal_data=0xb7e4e980) at tracker-marshal.c:450
#29 0xb7cb3de3 in IA__g_closure_invoke (closure=0x807e948,
return_value=0xbffff0d0, n_param_values=2, param_values=0x8075190,
    at /build/buildd-glib2.0_2.22.2-2-i386-R8GTDn/glib2.0-2.22.2/gobject/gclosure.c:767
#30 0xb7cc7f0f in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=0x807a478, detail=0,
instance=0x807a870, emission_return=0xbffff208,
    at /build/buildd-glib2.0_2.22.2-2-i386-R8GTDn/glib2.0-2.22.2/gobject/gsignal.c:3247
#31 0xb7cc91ef in IA__g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x807a870,
signal_id=22, detail=0, var_args=0xbffff260 "\210\362\377\277\001")
    at /build/buildd-glib2.0_2.22.2-2-i386-R8GTDn/glib2.0-2.22.2/gobject/gsignal.c:2990
#32 0xb7cc97b6 in IA__g_signal_emit (instance=0x807a870, signal_id=22,
detail=0) at /build/buildd-glib2.0_2.22.2-2-i386-R8GTDn/glib2.0-2.22.2/gobject/gsignal.c:3037
#33 0xb7e48058 in check_file (data=0x807a870) at tracker-crawler.c:267
#34 process_func (data=0x807a870) at tracker-crawler.c:318
#35 0xb7c260b1 in g_idle_dispatch (source=0xb6bca278,
callback=0x37e60, user_data=0x807a870) at
#36 0xb7c27e98 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#37 IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x8070538) at
#38 0xb7c2b623 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x8070538, block=1,
dispatch=1, self=0x805d850) at
#39 0xb7c2baea in IA__g_main_loop_run (loop=0x8084ae8) at
#40 0x08050c0c in main (argc=134684488, argv=0x2) at tracker-main.c:343

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